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Workplace Hazards and Safety Measures

Overview of Workplace Hazards

Various hazards exist in workplaces, including machinery, which ranges from large production lines to small power tools.

It's crucial to be trained in the use of machinery and to consistently use recommended personal protective equipment (PPE), understand warning signs, and work safely at all times.

Types of Machinery Hazards

  • Entanglement: Hair, clothing, or loose jewellery can get caught in machinery. Using overalls, hats, gloves, and other PPE can reduce entanglement risks.
  • Striking: Equipment parts can break off and cause harm. Guards and good maintenance practices help reduce striking hazards.
  • Amputation: Fingers or hands can be caught in machinery, leading to amputation or serious injury. Guards and safe working practices mitigate amputation risks.
  • Burns: Contact with hot surfaces like electric motors can cause burns. Burns can also result from electric shocks.
  • Vibrations: Long-term exposure to vibrations can affect the whole body or specific parts. Reduce vibration exposure to prevent conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and vibration white finger.
  • Noise Exposure: Excessive noise levels can damage hearing. Use appropriate ear protectors like headphones or earplugs in noisy workplaces.

Reducing Risks through Training and Responsibility

Proper training in machinery operation and use of PPE significantly reduces accident risks.

Employees should be thoroughly trained and act responsibly to minimise workplace accidents.